Ashland Healthy Harvest, Inc. (aka Ashland Farmers Market) is about more than our weekly farmers markets from June through the fall every year. Part of our core mission is to support the Ashland community and improve public health through education about nutrition, local farming and sustainable living. And so we offer scholarships to graduating Ashland High School seniors (or recent grads) who intend to pursue areas of study in college consistent with our mission.

We had several worthy applicants this year. We could only support two. We are excited to offer the $1000 scholarships to Marisa Rogers and Maya Freedman. 

Marisa plans to attend Dickinson College and study Environmental Science. She is very active in the Ashland community and over the past few years, she has been an strong supporter of the Ashland Farmers Market as both a volunteer and patron.She has been an active member of a  number of clubs in high school, including Student Council, the Leos club, Girls Who Code, and National Honor Society. She is very proud to have earned the Seal of Biliteracy demonstrating that she is literate in both English and Spanish. To achieve the award she took a five hour test to prove her ability to read, write, speak and listen in Spanish. The strengths that helped her in this effort were her dedication, hard-work, patience , and sociability. She will be using the scholarship to help relieve the stress and financial burden associated with college and plans to apply the funds to her tuition.

Maya plans to attend   the University of New Hampshire to study business/hospitality management. Her future goals are to be in the hospitality business, working with customers to make their experience as enjoyable as possible. Along with the business courses, Eco Gastronomy sparked her interest. Her dual major would give her a better understanding of the most sustainable growing practices to use in the food industry. She has also been a volunteer at the Ashland Farmers Market, as well as the Ashland Food Pantry, and the Ashland Youth Soccer organization. Maya has also been very involved in the Make-a-Wish club. As a result of her hard  work, communication, determination, and positive attitude, her peers voted her as a member of the board. She used these skills to effectively help organize a Give Kids the World trip, which brought members of the Make-A-Wish club to Florida to volunteer at the Give Kids the World village. Maya will also be using the scholarship funds to help alleviate some financial stress associated with college.

This year we asked our applicants for their ideas on how the Ashland Farmers Market can better serve the community. All of our applicants offered thoughtful ideas that the Board will consider in months to come. Wherever the applicants end up, we are certain they will represent Ashland well.

For all you incoming seniors, be on the lookout for the application next spring. 

Guidelines: The Ashland Healthy Harvest, Inc. Scholarship program will provide funds for a graduating Ashland High School senior (or recent graduate) who will be beginning studies at an accredited institution.

The applicant’s field of study must be in line with the mission of the AFM including (but not limited to):

 – agriculture

 – nutritional science

 – environmental science

 – public health and/or community development

Preference will be shown to students who have a history of volunteering at the Ashland Farmers Market.